Adel Shadi

Academia –
- Masters in Computer Science with emphasis in Statistics, Ohio University
- 20 years Senior Lecturer, computer science, The Ohio State University
Experience –
- 17 years experience, IT consulting, project management, process management & software quality assurance
- Co-Founder and managing partner, Java Central, developed a new coffee house concept from the ground up, born 2006, sold 2014, still thriving to-date
- Co-Founder and managing partner, Frontera Logistics Group, developed 2 Class-8 trucking companies, including a freight carrier operation and a diesel repair facility, born 2013, dissolved in 2021 due to pandemic; please use this link to review the new startup app Truck-Maxx
Other activities –
- Current president and board member of own homeowner association
- Current volunteer and past board member at The Adaptive Sports Connection
- Over 46 years experience dealing with short below-knee amputation, and prosthetics innovation and adaptation; please use this link to review my webspace about helping Short BKA to create the optimum prosthesis
- Over 10 years providing support for my wife with Hyper-mobile Spectrum Disorder (HSD), working through orthopedic impact and 38 resulting surgeries, battling long COVID and POTS, combating the digestive component of food allergies and sensitivities and the challenge of stying hydrated and nourished; please use this link to review my webspace about helping food allergy
- Over 46 years experience dealing with a brain injury since age 17, over 24 years providing caregiver support for my daughter with a brain injury since age 12; please use this link to review our comprehensive self-help webspace helping individuals with brain injury and their caregivers
- Over 24 years supporting my daughter with brain injury through her academia and the mind-boggling challenges during her formative years at school and college, until completing her Master’s and PhD in Psychology with a focus in Neurorehabilitation and social isolation; Please use this link to review our social isolation team work and programs offered